
そのMeiserが、スティールヘッドとスペイフィッシングのエキスパートであるMike Kinneyとコラボレートして、そのノウハウをスペイロッドという形に仕上げたのがMKS。(Mike KinneyはTrey Combsの本にもスペイロッドでキャストしている写真があり、ずいぶん昔からスペイの開拓者の一人として西海岸では存在し、それでいてオレがオレがと言うよりはメジャーになることを潔しとしないような雰囲気の釣り人である。)





Meiser MKS Spey Rod Hardy Sunbeam



(当サイトのSteelhead DatabaseはこのときをきっかけにOpenに踏み切りました。きっと最初の一本、次への2本目、あるいは究極の1本を求めている人がいるはず。そんな時まとまった情報があれば。。。と言う訳です。)



カスタムロッドによくある強烈なプライシングではなく(2005年)、その気になっても大丈夫そうな値段がついていたことで購買バロメータの制限をクリアし、想像が拡大し、あの時、あの場所、あの魚とMeiser Rodを重ね合わせていくと、メーターがグングン上がる。そして、どうにも自分の注意が引かれていって、ついにコンタクトに至った。

「現在新たなスティールヘッド用のスペイロッドを探している、それはこれこれ、こんなかんじで、こうであったらいい、ホームページのコメントから、それがどうやらMeiser Rodにあるようなので、詳しく教えてもらえませんか。」

Meiser rodが信頼の置ける道具であることは、製作者本人がスティールヘッドに明るく、なおかつスペイフィッシングに詳しいことから察しがつく。ローカルのスペイクレーブにはまめに顔を出してコミュニケーションを惜しまないようだし、ネット上でも丁寧なコメントを惜しまない。高見に留まらず市場に入っていくことを自然体で行っている感じである。



現在Sage GLF9140 14' #9を使用しているがこれより強い竿、早い竿を探している。

ここからは私がこれ以上話しても不足が出そうである。それよりも下記、Mr. Meiserからの返信を読んでいただくほうがリアルである。何度か確認のやり取りがあったので内容が重複する個所があるけれど、とても参考になるのでそのままにした。(転載にあたってはご本人の許可をいただいた。)


Highlander & MKS

I feel that you could consider two rods in the 13'6" 8/9/10 range, one from the Highlander series, the other from the MKS series.


<The MKS>

The MKS 13'6" 8/9 is a fast/medium fast recovery, progressive action rod, with regressed butt taper.

This means that they are rather stiff tipped, with a taper that progresses uniformally well into the top 2/3 of the rod, then regresses (or slows) into the bottom third....Still overall she still feels like a progressive action rod.

The 13’6” MKS is an all purpose rod meant to easily deliver a wide variety of line systems; from Skagits to 85' long bellied floating lines like the Carron Jetstreams. But they are especially effective with sustained anchor line management, for the angler that prefers to fish the shorter bellied shooting head line systems with interchangeable sink tips like the Rio Skagits or the shorter bellied Rio Windcutters.

Full line load can be felt well into the grip. And with shooting heads, she is best managed with very compact low hand, underhand power stroke. She prefers minimal power by the caster to perform her best deliveries.

f longer bellies are desired, you can high hand ~ low hand to increase the hand spread for greater distance, and lengthen the stroke.

It has a 300 grain ~ grain window so is easily an 8/9/10 wt rod. Grain window from 550 to 850 grains.

She will easily manage large Steelhead, or Salmon into the 30 pound plus range.


<The Highlander>

Another rod you may wish to consider would be the 13'6" Highlander 8/9 wt.

It is a fast recovery, progressive action, progressive tapered rod with a bit softer top 2/3s then the MKS rod. In other words: It's taper and flex are more uniform from tip to butt, yet full line load will be felt well into the lower end.

As the MKS rod, the Highlander will have a similar grain window so too is easily an 8/9/10 rod. She will easily deliver the same line systems, but will be allowed to do so for the angler that will prefer a bit of a faster recovery.

The Highlander may be preferred by the caster that will wish to power the delivery with a more aggressive cast.

You will notice that all of the rods below will have grain window recommendation tables. Both the MKS and Highlander rods will achieve equal line speeds and distances, but will do so in a different fashion. The casting preference of which is entirely up to the angler.

I can say that many of my anglers that will be required to deliver extreme sink tip systems (such as T-14 from 10’ to 24” in length) utilizing short belly shooting heads like the Rio Skagits, or the Rio WCs looped to BIG BOY tips…. While fishing large to medium sized rivers (like those of the Skeena system) will prefer the MKS rod.

They will prefer this rod because they know that because of the rods taper, she will deliver the sink tip shooting line systems as effectively as they will longer belly floating Spey lines with tips.

…And most importantly: Will do so with minimal casting effort regardless of the river’s color or flow conditions.

The MKS rod will be inherently far less tiring to the angler after a full day on the water then would be a very fast recovery progressive tapered rod like the Sage Euro or especially the Sage TCR.

The 13’6” and 14’0” Highlander rods will basically accomplish the same goals as the MKS rod…..

But (as with any faster recovery true progressive tapered rod) will require a faster, more agressive stroke to achieve the same line speed as the MKS rods would achieve while utilizing a much more relaxed and compact under hand powered stroke.


To campare:

The Sage 9140 Traditional (for example) has a regressed butt taper with a progressive action similar to the MKS rod…..

Therefore the MKS rod will feel very much like the Sage 9140 in flex load. But the MKS rod has a much faster recovery, and overall will deliver with much more authority then will any of the Sage Traditionals.

The Sage Euros and TCR rods are true progressive tapers, with progressive actions: Both much “stiffer” rods then the Traditionals. The Highlanders are more like the Sage Euro in feel. But will still flex more easily into the butt. The Highlanders are not anywhere near as stiff as the TCRs nor will we ever want them to be…


To summarize:

If you do like the relaxed progressive feel of your 9140 Sage Traditional, but wished that it had a slightly faster recovery and a more aggressive delivery, I’d suggest either the MKS 13’6” 8/9 or the 14’0” MKS 9/10.

If you like the faster recovery, slightly stiffer butt feel of the Sage Euro, Then I’d suggest either the Highlander 13’6” 8/9 or the 14’0” 8/9.


Any of these rods would be superb rods for the Skeena system in all river conditions.



The 13689 is a VERY powerful rod that will only need a minimal amount of expended power on the part of the caster to deliver. Try to be very economic with you casting motions. Use low hand/under hand power as much as possible with a two hand even push.


Most importantly:

Stop the rod tip crisply high at the tree line. Try not to drop the rod tip at the shot. Always stop the rod tip high (70 to 90 degrees) at the shot, then drop the rod tip down into the shooting running line.

Utilize an even low hand/underhand power with the upper hand only aiding in a slight push and the direction of the rod tip. DO NOT overpower the top hand.

The rod wants to do all of the work for you. So let it・;^)・!!



Meiser MKS Spey Rod Hardy Marquis





All of our rods are custom built to our angler’s specific callouts, for both preferred cosmetics and components. Especially important is how the grip is to be profiled to best match the anglers hand size, so is custom milled to client call outs. Equally as important is that the reel seat is chosen to match the type of reel used. We do always make our grips as the rod sent.

As many two handed anglers become proficient with casting, they tend to utilize only two or three fingers on the lower grip. Usually thumb and index, or two fingers and thumb at the very bottom of the lower grip. With the ball of the bottom of the lower grip rotating in the palm of the lower hand.

This is true for the upper hand as well. Using three or four fingers only on the upper grip. This allows, and actually disciplines the caster to relax the hold on the rod, and accommodates more efficient underhand power, and an even two handed push. A more relaxed and minimal hold on the rod will always create a better and more efficient delivery.

… Letting the rod do all of the work for you is the goal you should try to achieve. Rather then forcing power into the rod with a hard high hand push. I have many anglers that will stop into my shop to adjust the outside diameters of their Sage and T&T grips, by making the outside diameters smaller, allowing a more relaxed hold. Holding the grips with a full hand like you would with a hammer handle will often force too much power into the rod, actually killing its full delivery potential. Relax, hold the rod lightly, economize your motions. And most importantly: Allow the rod do all of the work for you. You will then appreciate the smaller grips, as you do only need 5 or 6 fingers between two hands to optimize your delivery. I think that if you do this you will adjust to my grips, and will find them to your advantage with casting over time. I think the WC 9/10/11 at 650 grains may work well for you. I would add the cheater to extend the belly length.


Bob Meiser




FEATHER INLAY - Meiser's Unique

Meiser MKS Spey Rod



